Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reflection 4

1a.Living what you believe can be easy for teachers because, it is what you are passionate about and what you know is best for your students. So teachers can be very motivated to live what they what they believe. Teaching what you believe can also be extremely difficult, because it takes so much more work to live what you believe and be an example. To teach what you believe also requires in some cases more resources that are not always available. Also differentiation takes so much work. Living some of the concepts we  believe can  even sometimes be impossible, but as teachers that does not mean we stop we don't believe they are they right thing to do, because they are.
1b. If you believe that differentiation in is an important and necessary part of teaching, then you will do it in your classroom, because you know how much it helps students. Differentiation can be the hardest part of living what you believe. It is impossible to meet every students needs and learning styles while teachering, but it is very possible to differentiate enough to make a huge difference. I think many teachers believe that differentiation is important, but it is so much more work and takes so much more time on the teachers part. So sadly many teachers pick not to differentiate because it is more difficult for them. 
1c. It is so important for students to feel part of a classroom community. By saying words such as, lets figure this out together, it involves students and make them, in a way, responsible for what they learn. It gives students choice and allows them to create and imagine, giving them more options. When students feel safe and are part of a classroom community they will learn so much more by discovering and problem solving as a team.  

1 comment:

  1. We want to live what we believe, but there can be obstacles that trip us up sometimes and require that we readjust, refocus, and revise our practices.
