Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Reflection 1

1a. “teachers who are willing to establish ties with students discover new depths of truth each day...” 
I love this statement by Tomlinson, because a teachers relationship with the students makes all difference. If teachers and students have the kind of relationship where students fear the teacher or the teachers views the children as empty buckets she is just filling up, it can be very frustrating on both parts. It is so key that the students respect and love the teacher and know that they can take risks and experiment safely in there class. Students will be so much more open to learning and facing challenges. Teachers must also know and understand the students so that they can love and help them. When students and teachers develop ties with one another the students will have open minds and be excited about whatever the teacher is excited about. The same also goes when students are excited about something and the teacher is also engaged they create a relationship. When students and teachers have ties and work together, it really will allow to reach new heights.
Metaphor: This was a perfect metaphor for a classroom. At first glance you see dozens of children with bright faces excited to learn. Then as you get to know each student you see how unique each individual each one is. Which adds so much beauty and excitement to the classroom. Just like the metaphor says it would not be very beautiful if all the flowers were the same color. In a classroom everyone can learn so much for others, because they are different. Over time the class will begin to change as they discover who they are, learn new things and gain experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Ties, respect, love, they really are keys to experimenting and taking the kinds of risks that lead to lasting learning.
