Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reflection 2

2a. "emotions trump learning" This statement could apply to many things but I believe it means that a students feeling and emotions must be under control before any learning can take place.When a students essentail needs aren't being met such as food and clothing, it is impossible for them to focus on learning math. Our students also need to feel safe and comfortable in the classroom before they will be able to learn and contribute at their full capacity. Student emotions can also be thrown off by something that happened at recess or words that were spoken to them. They will not be able to learn as much if they are distracted thinking about what upset them. Although it will be impossible to make sure all of our students emotions are in check we must try our best to make sure our students needs are met.
2d. I absolutely love this quote by Tomlinson. It is so true that we will never be able to do everything every child in our class needs us to do for them, but just because it is impossible doesn't mean we stop trying. Every little thing we do as a teacher can have a huge impact on our students. I also love how she goes on to say that we shouldn't feel bad, even though it is most teachers initial reaction. The most important thing that we can do is to never ever give up. Students will look to us everyday for our love and support. If we believe our students can accomplish anything they put their minds too, they soon will believe it too. WE must make sure we are doing everything we can to meet students needs. We must try out best no matter what. As teachers we will be learning everyday and it is so important that we apply what we learned yesterday to today.

1 comment:

  1. Helping them feel safe and never giving up are both worthy goals.
